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How Social Media Tools Help You Leverage Your Sales

According to a survey organized by “Harvard University”, around 85% of organizations on the planet are actively using social media platforms to endorse their products and brands. Social media has been one of the key platforms that have provided various organizations with their dream place in the marketing sector. The data mined from social media activities or social media marketing campaign is nothing but a gold reserve for an organization. This information and vital data can easily help any organization to witness the popularity they have dreamed of.

Each and every social media network has its own specific tools. One can easily analyze their marketing campaign or endeavors through these tools. For example, we have Facebook analytic tools that can help one easily monitor their marketing activities on Facebook. The reaction of the audience, the feedback, the reach etc. everything can be noted down using the Facebook analytic tools.

But, what about when an organization is having a presence on different social media sites? Separately monitoring the activities on each social network will consume a lot of time and won’t help you concentrating on other axioms of online marketing. This is the reason why third-party social media tools have gained so much popularity in the recent years.

Without social media , it’s nearly impossible for one to go ahead with their marketing strategies and campaigns. Social media tools help you monitor all your campaigns on various social media platforms from a single dashboard. The mobile version of social media tools has made it easily accessible to monitor your marketing campaigns. Even if you are on a holiday or at a party, you can easily take a glance at your SMM performance.

Three reasons to use social media tools

#1. Gain Edge Over Others

Using SMA (Social Media ) tools can help a business get a high ground since it empowers an unrivaled appreciation of their brands: how their customers use their products and services, what issues customers have with the products and services, and how society sees the brand. SMA helps brands track the social performance of their competitors and how their customers are using their products, issues with products, how that brand is seen, etc. Knowing all this data helps you in honing your strategies to gain an edge over your rivals in the industry.

#2. Learn From Your Customers

Many would agree that the internet has made open gateways for building up strong relations with their customer-base through the social networking advertising. Business is all about attracting people, offering better services and generating revenues. Having said this, it is clear that customer satisfaction should be your key priority.

Social media is the place where you interact with your customers and where they air their opinions on your products or services. Social media give you a summary of what your customers want from you. Thus you can learn, from your customers, how to take your business to the next level.

#3. Improve your Products and Services

This is doubtlessly one of the top reasons businesses execute SMA. There exist countless posts, tweets, and comments containing the presumption of your customers about the brands, more routinely negative than positive. So a business can work on issues that can enhance their presence once resolved. SMA tools are the virtual master that can tease out the issues, recognize where it goes wrong. Thus, they help you in improving your services and products.

Four Social Media tools of the present

#1. HootSuite

One of the most famous social media software of the present day and for good reasons too. It offers a single dashboard to manage all your social media marketing activities on some of the best social media platforms in the market such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.

But, in addition to being a great social media management tool, it helps users provide a nice way of analyzing their social media marketing endeavors and get some of the essential points of improvement for the brand’s marketing.

#2. Buffer

Buffer, initially, was a tool that used to optimize and schedule the updates on social media, increasing response and real-time engagement.

But, today, it has become one of the best social media tools the market has ever seen. This tool helps businesses and other social media users with the detailed information of what is working, and what is not working, in their favor for promoting their business on social media. This is not just limited to only a single social media network but covers most of the prominent social media networks of the present day.

#3. SocioBoard

SocioBoard is one of the latest social media tools. Yet with its amazing features and exclusive software design, it has been successful in creating a special place in the software market today. With its awesome features such as sentimental analysis and smart messaging options, it has continued to be one of the best social media managing software markets has ever witnessed.

The social media reports generated by this software are immensely helpful for any business to overcome their flaws and start capitalizing on their strengths. In a single dashboard, you get the opportunity to serve all your social media marketing campaigns and a perfect tool to improve your real-time engagement and responsiveness.

#4. SproutSocial

It is also one of those social media tools which provides you with a single dashboard to manage multiple social media platforms. This is one of the best social media management tools that helps you keep your social media pulse alive and energetic.

This social media tool is not just appealing the marketers but also to the entire social media users to keep their social media journey strong. The most prominent features of SproutSocial is CRM and help desk functionality. These add-ons have made this software one of a kind and somehow best in the market.

Social Media can be safely stated as the spine of any social media marketing campaign. With biggest names of the markets to the new babies, social media holds importance for all and no one wants to miss these data in any case. So use the best tool for your business and make the most out of this .

So what do you think about social media ? Which software do you use? Comments your views in the section below!

Sumit Ghosh is the CEO of Socioboard Technologies and the marketing Head of Socioboard. Where he’s responsible for the overall marketing strategy of SocioBoard, including production marketing, positioning, demand generation, and online marketing. Socioboard’s new approach to open source social media management is changing how Social Media Marketing companies, digital agencies, corporations, and web/broadcast media across the world thinks about Socioboard.

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