How To Effectively Manage All Your Social Media Profiles
For most people, managing all their social media profiles at the same time ends up being a logistic nightmare. They have to log in and log out of every single social network, remember what to post, where and how often and set reminders to create posts, approve and share messages and interact with network specific audiences. All this hassle can be overwhelming at times, so we’ll cover some of the best practices of social media management, as well as the tools available for doing so.
Business or Personal?
Before getting into specific tools designed for managing social media profiles, first, you need to figure out whether you want to manage your personal, business or both accounts the same time. Next, it is best that you make a list of all of the social media accounts you’d like to manage and research an app that works with all those social networks. The best course of action is to find the tool which gives the option of keeping your privacy and allow you and only you to post on personal profiles while giving your team the access to manage the business accounts.
What this does is not only keep you organized at all times but also makes you or your team accountable for what gets posted, when, by whom and on which accounts. Most tools come equipped with historical logs, which display all the posts, changes and edits you or your team made. These logs are crucial for good organization and the added accountability allows for a greater workflow when it comes to reaching deadlines. Workflow, in particular, is crucial and using one app to manage everything you do on social media can only help increase said workflow.
Use a dashboard to manage your social profiles
As we already said, the best way to manage multiple social media profiles is to have the ability to access all of them from one place. This is where social media dashboards, such as Buffer, Hootsuite, and Sprout Social come into play. They allow you to see all the social media chatter and in one place, defeating the purpose of having to manually log in and out of every single one of them. This greatly decreases the time and effort you have to put into managing your profiles by streamlining them all into one coherent and manageable feed.
Schedule the posts in advance
Another excellent tip for the management of multiple social media profiles is to schedule the posts ahead of time. This not only saves a lot of time by batching the updates together and organizing them using a queue system but also lets you pick the best time of the day during which you want to make a post. It also helps you in maintaining a steady and consistent publishing schedule, which gives you more time to work and focus on the content you’re creating.
Pay attention to who is interacting with your posts
Replies, shares, and mentions are what is called engagement stats and they are an excellent indicator of individual who like your content and want to connect with you as a creator. Finding these individuals and replying to their comments is an excellent social media strategy and most social media management tools offer the for comments and replies and reshares and retweets as a list you can interact with directly from the dashboard or follow the link a reply directly on that specific social media platform.
Choose the right tool
Most of the available tools are either network specific or work well with almost all of the social media giants. Buffer is a popular choice for most, as it allows you to reel your content throughout the day, allowing for consistent updates on social media feeds. Sprout Social has been gaining momentum as of late, due to its straightforward use and setup keywords for social media monitoring. Hootsuite is the single most popular tools, with over 6 million users worldwide. It’s tabbing system is great for keeping the social media streams separate while having them all in one place. Other tools include Crowbooster, SocialFlow, Bitly, Everypost, Spredfast, SocialOomph, etc.
Most of these tools offer a free trial, with most of the advanced options being reserved for those who wish to pay the monthly fee. They all cover all the major social media giants such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, so choosing the right one for you depends mostly on which media profiles you wish to manage, how much money are you willing to set aside for that task and which one will work best for your individual needs.
Final words
Organizing numerous different social media profiles at the same time can be a hassle for the average person. However, there are a number of excellent social media apps and tools you can choose from. They are designed to save you a lot of time you would otherwise spend on manually accessing and working on each media profile. Try a couple of them out and find the one which, for you, works the best and offers the best bang for your buck.
Author bio:
Sam Cyrus is CEO and co-founder of Algorithm SEO Agency based in Sydney, an innovative online marketing agency based in Sydney which is focused on Digital Marketing. Sam is also a creative writer and his interests are entrepreneurship, business, online marketing, SEO and social media. You can find him on Linkedin.