3 Simple Steps to Getting Over 50% of your Guest Pitches Picked Up
In the world of search engine optimization there are becoming fewer and fewer ways to truly promote your site in an honest way. One of the best and most popular ways is guest posting and there are a few reasons for this.
- It follows Google’s guidelines. Google is trying hard to make the Internet a better place and good, intelligent content is always looked at positively in the eyes of Google.
- It’s a win-win situation for both parties. Authors who guest post are looking for links back to their site. These links help sites rank higher in the search engines, while blog owners are looking for fresh content to post on their site. This keeps readers coming back and hopefully draws new ones.
- It builds relationships. If site owners like the content that you write about, a one-time gig can turn into a regular contributor. Also, if you continue to put out original high-quality work, people tend to take notice and guest posting opportunities become easier and easier. There are networks of site owners and blog writers that keep a tight circle and once you’re in, exposure, traffic, and conversions soon follow.
The second hardest part of guest posting though is getting your foot in the door (I say second because if you can’t write well, well…no one is going to read it, let alone accept it. So that has to be number one). Pitching potential sites can be difficult. Now, I have been doing this for a few months now with success and these are three simple I have found to get over half of your guest pitches picked up.
#1 Know the Site
Site owners put a lot of time and effort into creating a blog that people want to read. For most of them, that’s all they do. It’s the way they make their living. If you are to stumble upon a site that offers guest posting please, please know their content.
Take the time to read a few of their articles. Like I said before, most of the content is usually their sweat, blood, and tears, so don’t insult them by not reading anything for just a few links. The quickest way to lose a guest post opportunity is by contacting the site owner and asking to post without any prior knowledge about what their site is all about.
#2 Come up with Good Original Content
This doesn’t mean that you have to write 500-1000 words right off the bat in hopes they will respond to your email but have a good idea of what you want to write about.
A clever title with a paragraph outline, intriguing the reader to want to know more is a great start. But make sure that you can fill the requirements of the site. A 50-word summary and a 500-word article are two different beasts. Trust me I’ve made that mistake before.
#3 Flattery Goes a Long Way
You’ve clicked through and read articles from their site. You’ve come up with some great content. Now comes the part that some fear…actually conversing with the other side. Be a human being in your pitch: a mass template isn’t going to get you very far when it comes to guest posting.
If you liked a post or infographic on their site, tell them! Do they have an interesting layout or design? Make a point of saying something. Some sites get bundles of emails a day from people asking for them for the same thing you are. They may even have a better idea or pitch, but just saying a couple of nice things about what they are doing can bump you up a peg or two and you can get a quicker response.
I know I said there are only 3 simple rules to getting your guest pitches accepted, but I didn’t think this tip quite fit into any of the other three. Make sure you are pitching to the right sites. If you want to promote your baking website, please look for others that are blogging about the same thing.
Trying to post about your lawn care service on a baking website is a recipe for disaster. One, they are probably going to laugh it off and two, if you lucky enough to actually post on their site, it isn’t going to do much for you on the search engines. Google also looks are relevance when it comes to links. And lawn care and baking don’t have too much in common unless you are talking about a nice hearty lunch after a few hours outside.
Matt Powers is an Internet Marketer at Blue Soda Promo, an online promotional products company. BSP imprints logos on anything from custom printed tote bags to promotional polo shirts at ridiculously low prices. We make your brand POP!
Photo: NYOBE on stock.xchng