5 Tips to Write the Perfect Landing Page for your Startup
Who wouldn’t like to own a business? Maybe not everyone, but probably quite a lot of people are passionate about bringing their business ideas to life. It’s hard to imagine more space for creativity than the world that we live in now, with all the technological opportunities. Internet with numerous search engines, social media sites, loads of website creating platforms (some are even available for free). Sounds like a perfect time to take a risk and turn the innocent ideas into a startup.
When the first step is taken you have to work out a lot of things. We will not even try to enumerate all of them if you don’t want to spend all your time reading this, but we do need to mention one of the fundamental factors for making your business a flourishing one.
How to start the business successfully
You have to be recognized. People have to know about you, especially because your startup is going to be one of the many similar ones that are created in the business world every minute (we have to face the truth - every possible niche will have a lot of variations of the same idea). These days, the best way to get known is through the Internet, of course. People search the net daily as well as by using social media, so it’s obvious that you ought to advertise yourself via means of digital marketing and having a website is a must. The good website is a must for a thriving campaign. Here are some top hints on how to write an excellent landing page copy:
- Recognize your potential clients and their needs - people don’t really need to see a direct ad on your page, it may even seem to be aggressive behavior from your side. Today, people know what they want and look not for a nice example of marketing of the product, but for the way they can benefit from using your service/buying your goods. You should show why your business is better than similar ones.
- Be a human - sounds crazy and completely confusing, but it matters really. You have to write a text for your landing page as if it is a conversation with a friend. Say no to intricate structures and nerdy vocabulary, keep everything clear and as simple as possible. Your aim is not to show off flawless writing skills but to bring attention to your startup after all. Anyway, everyone likes to be treated as a friend and a laid-back style of the text will create this feeling like nothing else.
- Be simple - again, nobody needs those complicated and very long paragraphs when reading about the product or service you offer. People pay great attention to the heading and skim the rest of the text looking for the needed information. Making this process easier for them will bring you more benefits. The same goes for design - value simplicity as no one will appreciate the amount of time you spent on creating the website. Only you know how much time and effort you’ve put into learning how to use all the tools that are supposed to make your work easier. Your future customers will value clear navigation, precise facts and figures and others customers’ testimonials, for instance.
- Learn to call your readers to action - instead of spending too much time writing the whole text for your landing page you’d better invest into a strong headline and CTA (call-to-action) buttons. According to the statistics, these are the two things readers really pay attention to. Your page will be useless and non-profitable if you just tell everyone how cool your business is and will not motivate them to do something about it. So, make sure your potential clients know what to do after they finish the reading.
- Have more than one alternative - by this, we mean you have to write not only one landing copy. If you take the business seriously, you’ll want to analyze and understand your customers’ behavior. For that, you need to create more than one version of a landing page and test which one brings more conversions. The changes may be various - from the color of a CTA button to a completely new text and heading. This procedure might require to have particular skills and knowledge but who told it was going to be simple? Having this awareness and putting it into practice will pay you off for sure. With a pinch of patience, you will result in having a really decent landing page that brings you the desired results.
Now when you know how to write a landing page, all that is needed is a call for action. Don’t be in a rush, take the time to think about all the things we mentioned, about your ideas and concepts, write a plan or a mind map - in other words, be a bit meticulous and very demanding to yourself so that you could reap the rewards of your victorious campaign and expand your business further and further.
Author Bio: Emma Rundle is a highly passionate and motivated writer and representative of https://customwriting.com. She has helped many customers worldwide to introduce their unique voice to the digital world and business. Customers value Emma for subtle and effective solutions. She is keen on overcoming obstacles on the way to brand’s success and offers the best approaches to resolve them