Business Resolutions for 2009
Resolutions for 2009
1. Attend more conferences on blogging, marketing, etc.
2. Start speaking at conferences.
3. Further establish myself as The Marketing Eggspert.
4. Grow blog traffic by 30%.
5. Grow Egg revenue by 30%.
6. Truly stop doing all the work in Egg. Delegate more.
7. Take more days off without feeling guilty.
8. Become well known in social media circles.
9. ALWAYS make clients sign agreement prior to starting work.
10. Remember I’m doing this so I have a better quality of life.
Okay, your turn. How do you stand up to where you planned to be a year ago? Do you have successes you’d like to brag about? Go ahead! And let us know what you want to get out of 2009. We’ll hold you to it!
Image: PhotoSpin
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