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Egg Marketing’s 2017 New Year’s Resolutions

I’ve been creating New Year’s Resolutions for my marketing company nearly as long as we’ve been in business (which is 10 years). Each year, I’ve lasered in on exactly what I want to focus on in the coming year. The list has gotten shorter as my business has become more established.


I’ve successfully grown my business tenfold. Added staff to reduce my workload. Become a public speaker. Ghostwritten (and authored) business books. My list of accomplishments when it comes to my annual resolutions has been pretty long.

That’s why this year I’m cutting myself some slack and focusing on one single goal for 2017.

Sometimes One is All You Need

My personal life saw a lot of upheaval this year, and that took its toll on my business (though no one but me would be able to tell). It was hard to focus on growing Egg this year, though we still did pretty well.

I started contributing to bigger, better-known sites like AT&T’s Business Circle and Startup Nation. I enjoyed that, and would like to do more of that in the future.

My staff has been amazing, and being able to rely on them to impress clients is such a relief to me.

I’ve pretty much accomplished most of what I’ve ever set out to do.

So in 2017, my goal is simple: get back on track to growing Egg and serving even more small business customers.

We’ve got the formula down. Now all we have to do is replicate it.

Cut Yourself Some Slack

If the idea of setting New Year’s Resolutions is worse than going to the dentist for you, don’t. Typically I enjoy setting goals and working to reach them, but I’ve acknowledged that I can’t force it. And who says you only have to set resolutions at the start of the year? Maybe mid-year is a better time for you to assess where you want to take your business.

So cut yourself some slack this year, too. Enjoy a cup of peppermint mocha and a read by the fire instead.

Happy Holidays from All of Us at Egg!

While we hope you’re not reading your work email on Christmas, we did want to send special holiday greetings to our blog readers, clients, and fans. You’re our real Christmas gift!

Happy Holidays from All of Us at Egg!


Have a wonderful rest of your year, and an amazing 2016!









Image: Photospin

Is Your Business Ready for the Holiday Returns Shopping Season?

Only retail is booming.  E-commerce is growing at a tremendous pace even outpacing traditional retail sales.  By the end of the year it is expected that e-commerce is going to be a $1.5 trillion dollar industry.  Most online retailers are enjoying the growth in sales that they are experiencing, but not every online retailer is prepared to deal with returns as well as they should be.  Shorr Packaging has put together an informative guide and graphic that covers E-Comemrce returns best practices.

The guide and graphic covers in detail the importance of making online returns as easy as possible, what customers want when processing online returns, how to reduce return rates along with general best practices for returns for e-commerce retailers.

An interesting statistic that’s covered in the graphic is that the returns process is the number one reason in-store-only shoppers refuse to buy online.  This is a big opportunity for improvement for online retailers. To learn more about improving the e-commerce returns process check out the infographic below. Read more

Key Trends Affecting Retailers This Holiday Season

Whether online or in-store, retailers count on the holiday season to drive towards their annual goals. This year, many retailers are facing a variety of challenges and changes that will affect their ability to capture market share and wallets across the country. Let’s look at some of these key trends that will impact retailers this holiday season.


Labor Shortage

If you follow economic data, and I do, you know the country’s official unemployment rate is at or near full employment. That means retailers are going to have a harder time finding their temporary holiday employees to staff their registers, stockrooms and fulfillment centers. Macy’s announced its hiring 85,000 temporary holiday employees, Wal-Mart, 60,000. And they’ve started hiring early because they know they’re fighting an uphill battle for help.

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