Marketing Eggspert Round-Up: Influencer Marketing Round Two
Following on from the first Influencer Marketing round-up there is a lot more buzz about it in the marketing arena now. In this round-up we have included posts about the strategies you should know, understanding influencer marketing and why it’s effective, Instagram and Youtube, trends, the ROI and measuring it.
10 Effective Influencer Marketing Strategies You Should Know - Take a look at some of the most important facts behind the increasing demand for influencer marketing these days. Marketing Eggspert
Understanding Influencer Marketing And Why It Is So Effective - As the world around us becomes more technologically advanced, influencer marketing has made its way to the forefront and companies are devoting more time and effort to the tactic than ever before. Forbes
How to Crack Instagram Influencer Marketing in Ecommerce - If you have an ecommerce website and you want to boost sales and brand visibility, we’ve got some tips for you. Here is how you can use influencer marketing and Instagram to grow your business. Marketing Eggspert
Top 8 Influencer Marketing Trends for 2018 - Influencer marketing is going to continue to be a driving force for brands looking to grow their audience and improve sales through social media. Sprout Social
YouTube Influencer Marketing Trends for 2019 [Infographic] - To try and learn more about the growing impact of YouTube Influencer marketing, Shorr Packaging conducted a detailed analysis of more than 1,500 YouTube channels. Marketing Eggspert
Are Influencers Worth Your Money? We Went Undercover to Find Out. - As traditional advertising methods fade, a new generation of young social media mavens — ‘influencers’ — are offering businesses their endorsements in exchange for money or free stuff. But is it worth it? Entrepreneur
Understanding the ROI of Influencer Marketing [Infographic] - We’d like to help you understand the ROI you can expect from influencer marketing. Here are a few factors that can make a huge difference. Marketing Eggspert
Influencer marketing measurement needs to become more strategic - If 2018 was a turning point for influencer marketing (with the ASA signalling a crackdown on bad behaviour), 2019 looks to be the year that the industry makes real progress. Econsultancy
Happy Marketing
Sian Phillips, Content Editor