Marketing Eggspert Round-Up: Customer Relationship Management Tips
This week’s Marketing Eggspert round-up is filled with Customer Relationship Management tips- otherwise known as CRM. I’ve included posts about what CRM is, it’s failures and how to fix them, using it for marketing and business growth, how to use it smartly, it’s opportunities and how to choose the right one and lots more.
10 Steps to Using CRM Smartly - If you’re still logging customer contact information in a spreadsheet, let me introduce you to a tool that’s going to change the way you do business: Customer Relationship Management software. Marketing Eggspert
What is CRM? A Marketer’s Guide - Learn what customer relationship management (CRM) means for marketers, and how CRM tools can help you understand audience data and use it to market smarter. Mailchimp
Why CRM Fails and How to Fix It - This is filled with some great customer relationship management tips including how to fix poor adoption and get more out of this powerful business tool. Marketing Eggspert
Why Is Customer Relationship Management So Important? - Small businesses and even freelancers can benefit from CRM processes as well. After all, who doesn’t want to increase their customer retention and, as a result, their profits? Some of the major ways in which CRM accomplishes this goal are listed here. Forbes
CRM Data and the Opportunity It Provides for Marketers - By using CRM data, marketers can not only decrease wasted ad spend but also reach customers more effectively through addressable media. Marketing Eggspert
What is CRM? - Investing in CRM is all about boosting sales. Here’s what it is and how to do it. Think Business
CRM Software: How to Accelerate Your Business Growth with it - Several business organisations have started to use CRM software for business growth and expansion. Let’s see how it helps to accelerate business growth. Marketing Eggspert
How to Choose the Right CRM - This can be a complex and lengthy search for many businesses, so within this blog post, you will find the key things to consider when choosing the right CRM … Tweak Your Biz
Happy Marketing
Sian Phillips, Content Editor
Thanks for the info on CRM. Customer retention is key for what I do!