Marketing Eggspert Round-Up: Goals & Resolutions
In this Marketing Eggspert Round-Up it’s all about goals and resolutions. Lots are made at the beginning of the year but how many resolutions are kept? Maybe if a realistic goal is set it’s more likely to happen. Read on to get some ideas on setting your goals and resolutions this year.
12 Month Plan to Better Marketing - With the beginning of a new year comes planning for the future with goals, plans, and resolutions. So let’s look at a 12 month plan to better marketing that you can start any time of the year to improve performance and return on marketing. Susan Guillory on Egg Marketing
Tips for Developing Your Sales and Marketing Strategies - With New Year celebrations over, we need to come up with some resolutions. In most cases, resolutions might not work, but if we are determined and have formulated the right strategies, it is possible this will be a great year for us, as far as business is concerned. Stephen Marshall on Tweak Your Biz
Start At The End: How Your Content Marketing Goals Develop Your Strategy - Content marketing is one of the biggest buzzwords. It’s also one of the most vague marketing terms out there. Learn how choosing your content marketing goals will help you develop a stronger marketing strategy. Kimberley Crossland on Egg Marketing
4 Resolutions Your Small Business Should Make - You are responsible for your business’ success. Make it a great year by setting up resolutions and then working to accomplish them. Susan Guillory on Tweak Your Biz
3 Resolutions Every Small Business Owner Should Make - It’s a new year, which means it’s time to set goals you want to accomplish with your small business. Here are three essential resolutions to add to your list this year. April Lisonbee on Egg Marketing
5 New Year’s Resolutions Every Micropreneur Should Make - You might have heard of the SMART method for setting goals. A resolution is essentially a goal; it’s just wrapped in different packaging and set at the start of a fresh year. Susan Guillory on AllBusiness.com
How Achievable The 6 Most Common New Year’s Resolutions Really Are - With the holidays coming to a close, it’s time to get serious and set some New Year’s resolutions for 2018. Unfortunately, keeping those resolutions is often easier said than done. Brittany Wong on Huffington Post
Quick Fix: What’s One Thing You Can Do Differently in Marketing This Year? - Great results can come with tiny changes. Consider how you can improve your marketing with one small change. If you were to do a single thing differently to make your marketing more effective this year, what would it be? Susan Guillory on Egg Marketing
Happy Marketing & a Happy New Year.
Sian Phillips, Content Editor