Marketing Eggspert Round-Up: Guest Blogging
Guest blogging is an important part of your online networking strategy. In this Marketing Eggspert round-up I’ve included posts explaining how guest blogging can help your business, how to keep the Editor happy and get published, guest blogging mistakes to avoid, an ultimate guide, how to track your guest blogging, how to get a guest blog opportunity on your dream website and much more.
Here’s Why Guest Blogging Will Take Your Business Places - The thing which sets guest blogging apart from other marketing methods is its educational value. Well-informed business owners take time out to teach people something from their experience and it makes the community learn something new. Marketing Eggspert Blog
Guest Blogging: How to Keep the Editor Happy & Get Published - Here are my suggestions for becoming successful, and likeable, with your guest blogging and I have also included some quotes from friends and colleagues in the business too. So you don’t have to just take my word for it. Tweak Your Biz
How to Fail at Guest Blogging: Please Stop Making These Blogger Mistakes - You would think that guest bloggers have this down by now, but there are still many things they do that drive me up a wall. If you want to be successful at guest blogging, here are four things you need to stop doing immediately. Marketing Eggspert Blog
The Ultimate Guide to Guest Blogging - We are going to look at exactly how you can get guest blogging opportunities and make the most out of them. Kissmetrics
My Super Efficient Way to Track Guest Blogging Opportunities - I manage guest blogging opportunities for several clients, and it can be a challenge to keep up with which topic I’ve pitched for them, and where. Marketing Eggspert Blog
How To Land A Guest Post Opportunity On Your Dream Website… On Your First Try - When it comes to writing for big name publications, getting your foot in the door may seem daunting, but it’s completely doable if you have a killer idea, solid research skills, and of course, the guts to actually put yourself out there. Blogging Wizard
It’s Time To Shift Our Thinking About Guest Blogging - There are plenty of people using content marketing tools like guest blogging, search engine marketing, and press releases in the correct way; that is: using them to build credibility and to reach a wider audience. Marketing Eggspert Blog
Guest Blogging: The Definitive Guide (2018) - This guide contains everything you need to know about guest blogging. How to start. How to scale. And how to get your guest post featured on HUGE authority sites in 2018. Backlinko
Happy Marketing
Sian Phillips, Content Editor