Marketing Eggspert Round-Up: Using Content Writers
Do you use Content Writers in your Content Marketing plan? This Marketing Eggspert round-up includes posts on why you should use a professional content writer, outsourcing content creation, signs to say you should outsource your blog content writing, resource ideas, dating tips to find your best content partner, hiring and developing your copywriters, mistakes you may be making with your content, best place to outsource and lots more.
9 Reasons to Invest in a Professional Content Writer in 2018 - As you build your marketing budget for 2018, let me give you a few arguments for hiring a professional content writer. Marketing Eggspert
7 Secrets to Outsourcing a Killer Content Creation Team - Below are the seven very distinct pieces of advice I always give to agencies who are getting started with a content marketplace. Hubspot
7 Signs You Should Outsource Your Blog Content Writing - So you need to find some strategy that will help to generate perfect content but keep working on marketing. Why don’t you try outsourcing blog content? Marketing Eggspert
Effective Content Marketing Resource Options - Let’s look at just the tasks involved in content marketing and social media promotion alone. Content Plan
Apply These 5 Dating Tips to Finding the Perfect Content Marketing Partner - It occurred to me that there are parallels between what you’d want in a good mate and what you’d want in a content marketing partner, someone who will help you to produce articles, blog posts, and other creative content to promote your business and your goods and services. Marketing Eggspert
The Secrets to Hiring and Developing the Best Copywriters for Your Website - Poor web content is the silent killer of online sales leads and revenue generation—silent because the companies publishing poor content do not realize it is substandard. AllBusiness
5 Copywriting Mistakes You’re Probably Making (and How to Fix Them) - With the prevalence and importance of all of this copy, one might assume that it’s easy enough to write. That couldn’t be further from the truth, and it’s surprising what an impact bad copy can have. Marketing Eggspert
What’s the best place to outsource creative content writing for an ecommerce website? - If you need to hire someone who are creative on your targeted fields, You need to know him/her by yourself. Quora
Happy Marketing
Sian Phillips, Content Editor